October 13, 2022

Net-Carbon Zero is Possible With Carbon Management Software

Globally, organizations are investing significant resources to become carbon neutral.

By definition, net-carbon zero includes reducing the entire enterprise’s carbon footprint. Consequently, carbonmanagement accounting associated with procurement is a challenge and requires rethinking supply chain operations.

Innovative technologies like carbon management software and carbon credits provide operational flexibility to achieve carbon neutrality. 

Carbon Neutral

Determining Your Carbon Footprint

The first step is accurately evaluating the organization’s total carbon footprint, tabulating both internal and external sources. In particular, Scope 3 carbon emissions include supply chains. Approximately 40 percent of Scope 3 emissions are associated with procurement services.  

Procurement has a unique opportunity to influence net-zero carbon programs and play a key role in integrating CSR practices for the company.

All businesses are both suppliers and buyers of materials and services. But most of all, vendors and clients contribute to an individual company’s carbon footprint.  

How to Reduce Carbon Footprint

One option is collaborating with carbon-neutral vendors to reduce GHG emissions. For example, Requis is a carbon-neutral company.

In addition to using zero-carbon energy to power data centers, Requis relies on high-quality, third-party-vetted carbon offsets to balance its total carbon footprint.

Being carbon neutral is a competitive advantage for Requis and for the company’s clients and suppliers.   

ESG and net-zero initiatives must offer ROI. But more importantly, such measures should integrate with the organization’s other business objectives.

Carbon Management Software

Fortunately, digital platforms provide transparency in data and information management. For procurement processes, cloud-based technologies enable companies to add sustainability performance and carbon-footprint management as part of RFQs.

In addition, many governments are mandating organizational carbon and ESG information as part of contract qualifications. This trend will gain momentum. 

Laying carbon-management accounting into the procurement processes centralizes information in a single source for documenting and reporting.

Requis’ digital platform enables buyers to rank suppliers based on ESG performance and sustainability KPIs. From the supplier’s position, being a carbon-neutral business is an advantage.

Working with companies on the same net-zero carbon journey will effectively drive down global carbon emissions and support the circular economy. 

Requis NetZero Digital Platform

Requis’ NetZero digital platform assists organizations in monitoring and managing their carbon footprint at the project and corporate levels. It integrates carbon management accounting as part of sourcing and supplier solutions and overlays carbon tracking on core functions.

More importantly, the Requis NetZero digital platform data connects to ESG scores and dashboards, plus analytic solutions to meet corporate KPIs related to carbon footprint management.

With NetZero, organizations can achieve carbon-neutrality goals in their sourcing and procurement processes. 

Best-fit Carbon Offset Credits

Carbon neutrality is a journey. Some industries are difficult to decarbonize and require other options. Accordingly, companies can purchase carbon credits to offset their Scope 3 emissions. Unfortunately, not all carbon credits are the same.

Finding the best-fit carbon credit is a challenge. Securing carbon credits is a complicated step.

In particular, many organizations have concerns that the credits are valid and remove GHGs from the atmosphere.  

Purchase Tradewater Carbon Credits

In 2022, Requis launched a program to connect certified carbon offset credits with transactions. This program allows buyers to earn credits for the carbon they save.

Requis and its first carbon-credit partner, Tradewater, provide a secure platform for purchasing and trading high-quality carbon offsets. This program focuses on the destruction of refrigerants, especially chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrofluorocarbons (HCFCs).  

In the case of CFCs and HCFCs, incineration is a permanent removal solution and provides a trusted, high-quality carbon offset credit. Tradewater’s highly regulated facilities incinerate refrigerants and follow the strict protocols of the American Carbon Registry and Verra. 

More appreciably, Tradewater’s carbon credits are among the highest-quality credits available for purchase. 

Webinar Addresses Carbon Offset Options 

In a recent webinar, Requis and Tradewater explored net-zero carbon initiatives and available solutions. Decarbonization raises many issues, including: 

  • High-quality carbon offset credit vs. carbon credit 
  • Best carbon management solutions for procurement processes 
  • Resources available for reporting and accounting of carbon credits 
  • Benefits of working with net-zero carbon companies and more 

In addition, Requis shared how its organization is going to the next level of carbon neutrality with NetZero. Sustainability goals have a positive impact on the planet. But more importantly, they are a competitive advantage resource.  

Get Carbon Management Software

Requis is a modern cloud-based platform built by supply chain and technology experts to meet the evolving needs of enterprises.

To learn more about Requis and how we can simplify and support carbon management, connect with us here or visit our digital procurement page