Contract Management

Make Better Decisions About Your Inventory

Gaining visibility into your supply chain can’t happen unless you know what assets you have, where they are, and what they’re doing.

By managing your assets on one central platform, you take the most important step on the journey towards digital transformation for your business.

It’s a journey that opens up even more possibilities offered by IIoT, AI, and other advanced technologies.


Asset Management Made Easy

Drive leaner inventory and improve your bottom line by using the Requis platform for your asset records.

With just a few clicks you can learn what’s active, what’s sitting on a shelf, where it’s located and how old it is. By supplementing asset records with data about carrying costs from storage and depreciation, it becomes easier to make decisions about redeployment or selling idle assets.

Benefits of Asset Management on Requis

  • Identify surplus assets earlier.
    Most energy companies, for example, have at least 10% surplus in storage yards and warehouses.
  • Save time and eliminate errors.
    Asset management is often spread across many tools, making it impossible to tell which information is real.
  • Pre-list assets ahead of decommissioning.
    Sell them before you’re done using them.
  • Easy to access for your whole enterprise.
    Everyone from managers to the field team can update records via mobile.
  • Open API architecture.
    Connect Requis to your existing finance and operations systems to communicate with more stakeholders.

Standardized Yet Flexible Asset Records

Requis leverages a globally-recognized asset categorization template for standardized asset records, which means easier asset management and record keeping.

  • Add photos to aid in understanding the asset’s current condition.
  • Attach technical documentation.
  • Note compliance certifications and details.

Buy, Manage, and Sell in One System

The Requis platform allows businesses to procure, manage, and sell assets to other companies. Assets records can easily be transferred to a new owner when the asset is sold.
