July 8, 2022
RFX and ESG Management Software Solutions
Requis’ software improves RFX and ESG reporting for supplier qualifications and other product enhancements
As companies adopt more digital technologies, project and supply-chain managers still encounter productivity barriers, including:
- Lack of transparency of partners and suppliers
- Outdated information and
- Inefficiencies in data-collection systems.
Unfortunately, lack of transparency and poor information in procurement operations yield adverse events such as project delays or cancellations, plant shutdowns, supply interruptions, and more.

Learn About Requis Best of Breed Software Solutions

New Supplier management search screen enables quick review of supplier contact information.
At Requis, we are laser-focused on solving these complex supply-chain management problems. More importantly, Requis’ best-of-breed software simplifies and clarifies the enterprise supply-chain processes to ensure our users are compliant and transparent.
In addition, we are constantly upgrading our platform to allow a high-level overview of information within one system and to identify inefficiencies.
With this goal in mind, Requis has two new features that expand its advanced platform.
Increased Supplier Diversity
To address Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) directives, the Supplier Diversity categories are expanded. This updated feature delivers deeper insights into suppliers’ associations with minority and indigenous groups. Notably, the Supplier management search screen includes vital contact information regarding potential suppliers (Figure 1).
The latest feature is the Sustainability tab, which includes all supplier profiles and prequalification information (Figure 2). The Sustainability tab allows generating supplier diversity reports by finding diverse suppliers and providing current spending on ESG incentives.
This advanced sustainability feature will detect and reduce the environmental impacts within your process by identifying low-impact, fair trade, or environmentally friendly suppliers. In addition, this tool decreases risks and costs and increases revenue. The sustainability feature allows a business greater flexibility to lower its carbon footprint and combat climate change. Using this enhanced tool, organizations can detect gaps, direct resources on improvement plans, and improve their ESG performance.
Better RFX Management and Opening
Another advancement is the flexible configuration of the RFX management and opening (Figure 3). With this innovative option, users can send out RFI, RFEI, RFP, or RFQs to open bids and tenders as they arrive without waiting for the due date or bid opening date.

The Sustainability tab lists the profiles and prequalification data on suppliers.
More importantly, this new feature allows open bids to compliantly evaluate responses while providing a proficient way to find and select qualified suppliers.
Using Requis’ technologies minimizes the transition of a completely new sourcing process and delivers a more efficient and strategic method to find and choose qualified suppliers.
Which leads to better reporting and easier management.
Stay Up to Date On New Enhancements
Our main goal as a modern, centralized cloud platform is to enable seamless asset management while ensuring transparency, innovation, and simplicity. We are constantly addressing the challenges of our project and supply-chain managers. More importantly, Requis solutions solve these issues and deliver value through updated features and innovations.
All new release notes and features are available weekly. Likewise, Requis provides regular global training so that users can maximize their productivity, fully utilize new developments, and optimize supply-chain management and operations.
Schedule Your Software Demo Today
Requis can help you revolutionize your supply chain leading to less data silos, faster fulfillment, and better material management. Looking to see how your business can benefit from digitizing your supply chain?